1995 Conference Papers
Panel I.
History and Nationalism
•The 1895 Taiwan Republic: A Centennial Reassessment
Chang, Lung-Chih 張隆志
(History and East Asian Languages, Ph.D. Candidate, Harvard U.)
•The Republic of Taiwan and the Failure of Qing Centralization
Morris, Andrew
(History, Ph.D. Student, UC San Diego)
•Emplotting the Inbetweenness: Physicians and Civil Society in Taiwan, 1920-31
Lo, Ming-Cheng 駱明正
(Sociology, Ph.D. Candidate, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
•The Construction of Taiwanese Nationalism
Shen, Hsiu-Hua 沈秀華
(Sociology, Ph.D. Student, U. of Kansas)
•The Emergence of Taiwanese Nationalism:
A Preliminary Work on the Approach of Interactive Episode Discourse
Shu, Wei-Der 許維德
(Sociology, Ph.D. Student, Syracuse U.)
Panel II.
Literature & Religion
【文學 & 宗教】
•Taiwanese Consciousness and Ye Shi-tao*s Literary Discourse
Ying, Feng-Huang 應鳳凰
(Asian Studies, Ph.D. Student, U of Texas, Austin)
•Through the Exotic Other: Reflections on the Other from Writers of Shanghai in the 1930s and Taipei in the 1990s
Chen, Ling-Chei 陳綾琪
(Comparative Literature, Ph.D. Candidate, Columbia U.)
•Re-presenting Taiwan in New Cinema
Wu, Mei-Ling 吳玫玲
(Comparative Literature, Ph.D. Candidate, SUNY, Binghamton)
•The Historical Stages and New Trend of the Development of Buddhism in Taiwan: The Condition and Constraint of Its Modernization and Indigenization
Own, Su-Jei 翁仕杰
(Buddhist Studies, Ph.D. Student, U. of Wisconsin, Madison)
•Belief, Commodities, and the Transcendent: Yiguan Dao and the Spirit of Capitalism in Taiwan
Skoggard, Ian
(Anthropology, Ph.D., Southern Connecticut State U.)
•Formosan Christian for Self-Determination
Yeh, Chi-Hsiang 葉啟祥
(Religion, MA., Duke U.)
Panel III.
Social Policies & Feminism
【社會政策 & 女性主義 】
•Voluntary Nonprofit Organizations in Transition: The Implication of Chinese Children*s Fund in Taiwan
Cheng, Jui-Lung 鄭瑞隆
(Social Work, Ph.D. Candidate, U. of Illinois, Champaign)
•Participation of Environmental Interest Groups in Taiwan
Lin, Tze-Luen 林子倫
(Environmental Studies, M.A., SUNY)
•Are We All Sisters? A Critique of Feminism in Taiwan
Yang, Fang-Chih 楊芳枝
(Speech Communication, Ph.D. Student, U. of Illinois, Champaign)
•Building the Patriarchal Ideology: Gender Roles and Housing Arrangements in Traditional Chinese House (Courtyard House) and Modern Urban Apartment in Taiwan
父權意識形態的建構:性別角色與居家安排 --- 以台灣社會的傳統三合院和都市公寓為例的探討
You, Mei-Hui 游美惠
(Sociology, Ph.D. Candidate, U. of Utah)
Panel IV.
•Political Elites and Democratic Consolidation in Taiwan: Institutional Connection in a Divided Society
Lin, Chia-Lung 林佳龍
(Political Science, Ph.D. Candidate, Yale U.)
•Social Cleavage and Political Competition under SNTV
Lin, Jih-Wen 林繼文
(Political Science, Ph.D. Candidate, UC Los Angeles)
•The Electoral System and Institutionalization of Factionalism in Taiwan
Lin, Chau-Yi 林朝億
(Political Science, M.A., Syracuse U.)
•The Membership Recruitment and Member Participation of the Opposition Party at the Local Level --- The Case Study of DPP in Tauyuan County
反對黨地方黨員的參與及甄補 --- 民進黨桃園個案的分析
Fan, Yun 范雲
(Sociology, Ph.D. Student, Yale U.)
Panel V.
Economy and Social Transformation, Taiwan-China Relations
【經濟與社會轉型 & 台灣與中國關係】
•The Transformation of Taiwan's Export Industry
Pan, Mei-Lin 潘美玲
(Sociology, Ph.D. Candidate, Duke U.)
•State Corporatism in Question
Huang, Chang-Ling 黃長玲
(Political Science, Ph.D. Candidate, U. of Chicago)
•Emergent Classes, Crises of Capital Accumulation, and Political Liberalization in Taiwan
Philion, Stephen
(Sociology, Ph.D. Student, U. of Hawaii)
•Economic Interdependence and Political Tug-of-War: The Underlying Structure of Taiwan-China Relations in the Post Post-Cold War Era
經貿互賴,政治緩行 --- 後冷戰時代初期兩岸關係的基調
Wu, Jieh-Min 吳介民
(Political Science, Ph.D. Candidate, Columbia U.)
•ROC*s Pragmatic Diplomacy and Cross-Strait Relations
Tu, Chih-Pin 杜智平
(Political Science, Ph.D. Candidate, U. of Virginia)
•The Illegitimacy and Unfairness of the Non-Recognition of Taiwan in International Law
Yang, Philip Yung-Ming 楊永明
(Political Science, Ph.D., U. of Virginia)
1995 Conference Agenda